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凱普蘭.著名托福教材&試題 2004版 Kaplan Higher Score GRE GMAT & LSAT 2004 Deluxe Edition 英文"豪華"正式版 (3CD)





凱普蘭.著名托福教材&試題 2004版 Kaplan Higher Score GRE GMAT & LSAT 2004 Deluxe Edition 英文"豪華"正式版 (3CD) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體名稱:凱普蘭.著名托福教材&試題 2004版 Kaplan Higher Score GRE GMAT & LSAT 2004 Deluxe Edition 英文"豪華"正式版 (3CD) 語系版本:英文版 光碟片數:3片裝 破解說明: 系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003 軟體類型:未分類軟體 硬體需求:PC 更新日期:2004/2/13 官方網站:http://www.kaplan.com 中文網站:http://www.kaplan.com 軟體簡介: 銷售價格:240 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體簡介: 凱普蘭.著名托福教材&試題 2004版 Kaplan Higher Score GRE GMAT & LSAT 2004 Deluxe Edition 英文"豪華"正式版 (3CD) KAPLAN是世界知名的華盛頓郵報 (The Washington Post)旗下所屬的教育機構,自 1938年成立以來,已有三百多萬名學生前來研讀,冠於全球任何教育機構。KAPLAN 著重教學法的研究和教材的開發,編訂獨特的專用書籍、電腦光碟及錄影帶。 KAPLAN並與美國多所知名大學合作,為國際學生提供條件式入學申請,60餘年來已 幫助無數學生順利進入全美頂尖學府。而本片光碟是針對SAT及PSAT(Preliminary SAT)考試的同學提供模擬考試的訓練及教學課程。XYZ軟體補給站 而且這是今年最新推出的(2004年版是2003/7/1所推出的最新資料哦!!)連釵h留 學代辦中心或是訓練、補習班都還沒有拿到呢!! 2004 Kaplan高分輔導:SAT, ACT以及PSAT,助你獲得理想的考試分數,進入理想的 高校! 你可以在模擬考試環境下進行考試訓練,講解等。本套裝軟體括5個全程的SAT模擬 試題,2個ACT模擬試題,另加274頁PDF格式的考試講解,4個詞彙單元,4個數學單 元,2個全長的PSAT寫作單元考試。 Get the scores you need to get into the colleges you want! You have dreams for your future. Kaplan helps you achieve them. The company has been assisting college-bound men and women since 1938, and Kaplan knows getting into America's top colleges has never been more competitive. Kaplan has assembled this package with all the tools you'll need to succeed in school, get higher scores on the SAT, ACT, and PSAT, find the right school for you,and get the money to pay for it. With the Test Center, you'll practice under test-like conditions with realistic exams--including in-depth explanations for every answer. The Test Center includes five full-length SAT simulated tests; two full- length ACT simulated tests, plus a 274-page PDF booklet containing ACT and SAT diagnostic and final tests; four bonus verbal-only sections; four bonus math-only sections; and two full-length PSAT writing-section tests. Review the must-know concepts and learn exclusive strategies that help you build speed and accuracy on the exam, including: Recognizing question types, reading directions, test pacing, and shortcuts. Build important test-taking skills with fun, interactive reference tools and games. This section includes an FAQ section, printable flashcards, and games and activities for subject review. When it comes to admissions, follow the next steps to college with this informative, in-depth guide to: choosing and getting into a college, paying for school and getting scholarships, and school searches and comparative scoring.   -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
