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IBM Websphere Commerce Professional Edition V5.4 中(繁/簡)10國語言正式版(2片裝)





IBM Websphere Commerce Professional Edition V5.4 中(繁/簡)10國語言正式版(2片裝) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體名稱:IBM Websphere Commerce Professional Edition V5.4 中(繁/簡)10國語言正式版(2片裝) 語系版本:多國語言版 光碟片數:2片裝 破解說明: 系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003 軟體類型:IBM系列軟體 硬體需求:PC 更新日期:2004/2/10 官方網站:http://www-3.ibm.com/software/webservers/commerce/wc_pe/ 中文網站:http://www-3.ibm.com/software/webservers/commerce/wc_pe/ 軟體簡介: 銷售價格:160 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體簡介: IBM Websphere Commerce Professional Edition V5.4 中(繁/簡)10國語言正式版(2片裝) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^2002年05月最新V5.4多國語言版! FOR WIN NT/WIN 2000 中(繁/簡)/英/法/德/義/日/韓/萄/西 文版 IBM WebSphere系列: 網頁出版、網際電子商務工具/伺服器軟體。 IBM 的網路交易的解決方案之一,它提供了完整的B2B及B2C的環境,讓有心於網路 上執行線上交易的商家可以不用太著墨於系統的穩定及發展,只要重視產品的品質 及配銷的通路即可,是一套網路商業交易行為的重要軟體。    原版光碟,全新2片裝!!!絕對超值!!!    2002.05.16 全新〞光榮 〞 上市 New Digital World Studio IBM Websphere Commerce Professional Edition V5.4 中(繁/簡)10國語言正式版(2片裝) !!!相關網址: http://www-3.ibm.com/software/webservers/commerce/wc_pe/ !!!安裝說明: The second CD contains some tools (fix pack,Software Patches, upgrade) for DB2,IBM HTTP Server and all softwares that you need for this release. IBM 的網路交易的解決方案之一,它提供了完整的B2B及B2C的環境,讓有心於網路 上執行線上交易的商家可以不用太著墨於系統的穩定及發展,只要重視產品的品質 及配銷的通路即可,是一套網路商業交易行為的重要軟體。 IBM WebSphereR Commerce Professional Edition helps you increase site functionality, enhance customers' buying experiences, improve operational efficiencies, accommodate high transaction volumes and leverage existing back-end systems. Features at a glance WebSphere Commerce Professional Edition provides enhanced features and functions including: Advanced order management capabilities to optimize movement of products through the supply chain. Multiple collaborative filtering engines to better understand customers' buying patterns and preferences. Dynamic collaborative technology via Lotus Sametime live-help reference applications. Innovative portal add-on capability to provide customers with a personalized single point-of-access storefront to multiple commerce and non-commerce site applications. Advanced multi-cultural support to reach global customers by providing price, tax and shipping calculations—in the currency format and language dictated by the shopper's locale. On-line e-coupons for customers to redeem during on-line shopping. Additional bundled products including WebSphere Catalog Manager and WebSphere Payment Manager. Built on accepted industry standards like Java? technology, JavaServer Pages?, Enterprise JavaBeans? (EJB?) and XML to make it easier to integrate existing, in-house developed middleware and systems including IBM CICSR, IBM MQSeriesR, IBM IMS products and SAP R/3. IBM.WEBSPHERE.COMMERCE.PROFESSIONAL.EDITION.V5.4.MULTI.ISO NDW STUDIO -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
