MS Coures 10266A Programming With C Using Dot Net Framework 4 Trainer Files 英文正式版 (教學)
MS Coures 10266A Programming With C Using Dot Net Framework 4 Trainer Files 英文正式版 (教學)
After completing this course, students will be able to:
Describe the purpose of the .NET Framework, and explain how to use
Microsoft Visual C#?and Visual Studio 2010 to build .NET Framework
Describe the syntax of basic C# programming constructs.
Describe how to create and call methods.
Describe how to catch, handle, and throw exceptions.
Describe how to perform basic file I/O operations in a Visual C# application.
Describe how to create and use new types (enumerations, classes, and
structures), and explain the differences between reference types
nd value types.
Describe how to control the visibility and lifetime of members in a type.
Describe how to use inheritance to create new reference types.
Describe how to manage the lifetime of objects and control the use
of resources.
Describe how to create properties and indexers to encapsulate data,
and explain how to define operators for this data.
Describe how to decouple an operation from the method that implements
it, and explain how to use these decoupled operations to handle
asynchronous events.
Describe the purpose of collections, and explain how to use generics to
mplement type-safe collection classes, structures, interfaces, and methods.
Describe how to implement custom collection classes that support enumeration.
Describe how to query in-memory data by using Language-Integrated
Query (LINQ) queries.
Describe how to integrate code written by using a dynamic language
such as Ruby and Python, or technologies such as Component Object Model
(COM), into a C# application.